Friday, June 15, 2007

This week, I.S = Busy!


this week most year one students in Institute Sinaran(my school) are so busy man!!!
of course the year two's are busy too with their A level exams...

But most year one's are so busy man!!!! because this Saturday is Graduation Day, and this Sunday nite is the event of the year..... I.S. Night!!!!!!!!!

1) Some students are busy wif their choir practise for the Grad. Day.
2) Some are busy in rehersals for I.S Night...
Imagine if you were involved in both those activitites.....

Student + (1) + (2) = Student stays back after school till 10p.m!!!!!!!!

Imagine.... from 7a.m. till 10p.m. in school doing stuff....
Ask me how would that feel.............
I'll say "Fwuuh...." ( means: "i'm too tired and dead to feel )

Haha... Good Luck to all I.S. mates!!!

1 comment:

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